Wednesday, November 09, 2005

PAUSE Please

Yeah I know I said I wouldn't update...
But right now.... I feel the intense need to screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmm
There are things piling and piling high and high and higher
Accounting test on Wednesday, GMAT on Thursday, Lots of homework (everyday), History Presentation on Thursday, and finals approaching closer and closer...
Now to all that ... add 35 guests over Saturday.... some of them living the whole weekend with us. (Celebrations for the new crib)
AND to all that...add a job interview tommorow.. Not just a job UNEXPECTED job interview..
I just found out at about noon that I have an interview scheduled tommorow morning at 9.
And no not that I didnt know.... those damn people approved my application just one day before the interview date...
So it was quick shopping for the professional outfit... they are super picky about appearances (so the plan is to show some skin LOL)
And now in between classes...trying to get as much info about the company so that I can look 'educated'
And yeah,... this is my first freaking on-campus interview..
SHIT ... great!
Life is good...
But a life with a pause button would be better...
Or as another blogger friend suggested... ever a fast forward button will work LOL


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the interview call. Do well. Best of Luck for that and for all the other stuff (exams and skin show).

Read my name for HINT to who am I...LOL

Anonymous said...

Hope the interview went off well.

LOL - that was the most ingenuous reason ever given to buy a new dress ;-))

Anonymous said...

seriosly u do need a pause button....
all the best for the tests, the presentation and ofcourse for the interview.....
n pause will follow.......while i go search for my FF button!

Anonymous said...


okie...too early for santa..hehe
but just wanna say - join the club...
serious kickass time now..

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...


You need to pause for a while lady.

Anyway, all the best for your busy schedule.


Anonymous said...

'Unexpected' job interview LOL! Anyway, hope that went 'unexpectedly' well. :P
Good luck for the presentations and tests.

Admin said...

best of luck for everything GMAT, interviews your relatives. etc etc, but why do u want to gmat so soon. Shouldn't u be working for sometime??

Anonymous said...

*PAUSE* go ahead and use it;)