Monday, October 31, 2005

This Week...

Test in Accounting class ... on a Monday morning... means a great start to the week! LOL
And I mean it literally!
Cause since the test is out of the picture now... and since I dont have coming up this means that I can get another chance at catching up with stuff..
Sleep has officially become a foreign thing... My sleep pattern is non-existant cause I go to sleep randomly, wake up in the midddle of the night (also randomly) and go back to sleep again randomly.
It's so good to be not rotating my life around sleep! LOL

So here's the plan for the actually lemme call them that way I will HAVE TO do it...
~ Clean out my room...from one side to another.. and get rid of all the bags and boxes.
~ Study atleast 30 mins for GMAT every day.
~ Take 2 practice GMATs over the weekend.
~ Study for college stuff and keep up with homework.
~ Work out 10 mins more every day than what I already do.
~ Update and send in my resume to couple of employers on campus.
~ Get registered for classes.

Hmm... I think this will be enough.!!!

Good lucks going out to all that are studying for exams and stuff... who ever I turn to of lately seems to be preparing for it..
It's good to know that you are not the only one!


Anonymous said...

Happy Deepawali and Best of Luck on your Exams!!

Anonymous said...

wow! a new place.looking good:) hope u had a great diwali.

Anonymous said...

hmmm... Lovely template u've got on ur blog... and the gal in ur blog 'yummy' .. ;)

Anonymous said...

ok...gr8 set of of ur next posts shud be how u stuck to all the rules....:-)
all the best.........for u n everyone else whose writin exams/labs watever......btw that includes me!:-S

GalNextDoor said...

@anjan. lol yes those weird hrs!

@ricky. thanks! Happy diwali to u too

@red. my diwali was just like any other day.. nuthing special here! urs?

@robbie. lol.. yummy eh?

@divya. hehe eyah i plan on giving updates on how things will come along.. take care

Anonymous said...

GRt lookin template. So did you finally get to keep up with any/all of those rules ?!! You have a nice name.Good luck with GMAT.

Anonymous said...

Last two nights, I slept on my keyboard...LOL. I had a midterm, assignment and lab due, so sleeping on bed was not an option.

I didn't got your resume. Sorry for the occasional PJ...;)

Anonymous said...

well Bhu...take hold of ur lifestyle...sleep depriviation for long can have adverse effect...maybe u need to cut out some of the activities...not necessary we have to achieve everything...and yeah checked the video u mentioned in ur earlier blog....nothing raunchy about it ??...sooo liked the hair style of the girl

GalNextDoor said...

@rusty. ty. i need the good lucks!

@ricky. lol poor keyboard. haah hope this week will be better

@sheriff. see im sure there are some people that might consider it raunchy... besides...remmeber i called it 'raunchy' and not raunchy!