Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Part Three.... Conclusion

Week two was with my grandparents in Gujarat. That was sort of boring... I was basically at home most of the time...just took up a few art projects.... Just wasting time around....
It was just basically family time...

Week three was the worst... I was in Ahemdabad.. and things got real bad... The first day we got into town at 9am... and after getting was time to get all the sho
pping done for there...
I came back home for lunch...and then out again... coming back home late at night...after a very looong day. Then day 2, we went to Ambaji and stuff for religious visits... The driver scared the shit out of me... Almost at a constant high s
peed in the triple digits... zipping thru cars and people walking on the road!
We ate lunch there... and there is where it starts going down hill...
I started feeling sick thirty minutes into the drive back home... Had to make the driver sto
p twice to throw up... And the dumbass would keep driving fast... giving jerks that made me feel like I could shoot out another load right there!

I s
pend the next 2 days in bed... sleeping most of the time. I dont think I have felt this yuck in a very loong time.
29th morning I wasnt even sure if I would be alble to return to Mumbai...
I ended u
p taking heavy doze medicines to make myself feel better...

I left Gujarat 31st morning... and the
plan was to have a wild crazy night...
But.... like most of the tri
p... it did not go as planned...

Things changed at about 7 in the evening... Long story short...I ended u
p spending 31st night with a whole bunch of other friends and my sis...
It was a very calm and sober night... but it was fun.
I guess I could say I stayed sober...des
pite the much enjoyed screwdriver icecream!
If you call that getting drunk... then I got drunk...

And then there was the wedding..
It was a lot of fun... it was great to see family after so long.
Although it was very time consuming... and sometyimes tooo long...
I also got
pointed out to a guy...and his mom told me...he is studying accounting too! Making me think that if you think that is going to attract me to are SO WRONG!

So yeah I think thats all I have to say about it...
I am sorry this
post was boring... I just dont feel motivated to write...

My tri
p on a was a lot of fun.
I loved Mumbai.. and cant wait to return back.
I learned that its best not to make
plans... I had made several plans for this time... and NONE of them worked out as I had hoped them to...
So lesson learned...

Anyways... Im looking forward to write just regular
and btw... chech out
this link....< \a>


Anonymous said...



ur india posts....

u know..i dont need to say a word

Anonymous said...

You always have to be careful in India with food and water especially. I am glad you recovered soon though.

Yea, when my cousins from US came, they also thought we drove like crazy. I am not sure how will I

Screwdriver is a nice one with Vodka, though I never had it as icecream. Don't tell me you got drunk with one of those. It will take me atleast 10 straight-up vodka to feel lighter...he he.

What is an Indian wedding without some random aunty showing off their daughter/sons....ha ha.

I loved all your art-work. You are also good at face-potraits. You gotta real talent Bhu. Do pursue it even just as hobby..:-)

Nice post!!

Anonymous said...

so accountant dont have chance...that was so heart breaking...u know I am an

Anonymous said...

Read both parts together - sure u had fun , despite being in bed for a few days ( being in bed bole toh being ill , not the other way ;-P )

And yeah Mumbai drivers seem to increase speed when they see someone crossing - i was there for a few hours last week and could see that.

Arre, raste ka food - sevpuri, paani puri, bhelpuri ... aah! that's the best ever... i so can imagine u missing them and getting them all of a sudden.