Monday, February 20, 2006

This Weekend

There is only one way to describe the weekend... it was HORRIBLE.
I was just lying in bed and com
plaining most of the time...
And the worse
part.... I didnt get a damn thing done...
so that
puts me back big time on my schedule...

and heres a random thought....
for the men who think marriage is hell...
those that com
plain even before they reach their 5th wedding anniversary...
you think having a wife is hellish...
imagine that evil bitch going thru meno
if right now you wanna kill her... you will want to kill yourself if you manage to make it thru till then...

oh oh and another random thing...
i saw on the news i think yesterday morning....
a 62 year old lady gave birth to a baby!!!!!
can you imagine
how yuck..
and no she wasnt even one of those exce
ptional hot old women
not even close!!!!
pathetic pathetic.... *sigh*


Anonymous said...

First time on ur blog...good show!! :)

I have a couple of observations regarding this post, though...

1) The miracle of birth...whenever it happens...however it whomsoever it happens, is still a procreating life...thats the essence of life - procreation. I think its beautiful...more so that its happened at 62...more of a miracle...a gift from God.

2) Given that it happened at the age of 62, since when did giving birth at 62 become the prerpgative of hot old women???

Anonymous said...

@ nithya. first of all...welcome here!! wow and u have great comments... first...yes it is a miracle... but isnt it kind of selfish to be giving birth at much time do u have with that kid...definately not as much as that person would have had the kid at thirty, fourty, or even fifty! dont kids need their parents to be around.. and yes having a kid at any age doesnt guarantee the presence of parents...but still we are talking abt chances and probabilities...
and ok about the hot woman comment... lets use examples of females like rekha and demi moore to name a few,.... those females i think have done a gr8 job at maintaining that so called youth. which in turn makes men disreard their age and want to have kids with them for one irrespective of what society sees as the right age group to be having children. yes i know i dont have a strong argument with hte second point...but that was just a humor filled statement...
lol this makes the biggest comment reply!!

Anonymous said...

I suspect it to be an accident.. she must have got herself into a position of no return... I concurr with your observations on that ... lmao

Anonymous said...

She is some french lady and there were some criticism from catholic group about her giving her at this age. Anyway, C'est la vie :-)

GalNextDoor said...

@robbie. yeah...prob an accident...but hey i still dont think accidents like those should happen at that age!!

@dhruv. oui oui... we cant do nuting abt it now...can we.. lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!! :)
Couple of more points to counter yours...

1) I don't think its selfish at all to have a child at such an old age...imagine a childless couple who r in their sixties...they have probably been trying to conceive for decades with no success!! Surely they will make up with quality what they can't give the child in quantity (of time) and shower the child with all the love in the world...
Surely they have thought it thru...and have a succession plan...:)

2)When a woman conceives at the age of 62, its highly unlikely that its by natural means...chances are, its most probably in-vitro...
so the question of being hot or men wanting to have children with the womenn does not arise...

In any case, I can't comment much not knowing the circumstances under which this happened....what i'm saying is mere speculation...

Anyway...lets not overanalyze a statement made in good humour!! (its a problem we MBA-types face a lot...we analyze issues to much!!)

GalNextDoor said...

1.. forget the parents...why not think abt hte kid...thats the miracle u were talking abt... and making up...hmm they could try... but im sure nothig would be the same. put urself in the place of a child...imagine not having parents... how much have u learned from them...and u learn more as u grow... theres only so much u can learn at a young age!
2... i really dont care how she convcieved...that comment abt hot men was just a joke!!