Tuesday, March 28, 2006

random questions

1.What time of the day is it at your end right now?

2.What did you last eat?
desi food

3.What are you wearing right now (hopefully you're wearing something ahemm)?
t-shirt, pjs

4.What was your weekend like?
booring... didnt do anything! lol it was a typical weekend!

5.Did you sleep well last night?
Was up until late.. but did sleep well in the amount of time that i was asleep

6.What's your favorite time of the day?
late in the night

7.Who did you last kiss?
ummm... damn its been a while!

8.Did you see any cute guy/gal today?

9.When did you last speak to your mum/dad?
before 15 mins or so

10.When did you last have an argument and have you patched up?
last one...hmmm maybe a week ago.. and yes.

11.Who/what cant you live without right now?
hehe my lappie.. and my darling tommy.. *wink*

12.Are you in love right now?
Yes... lol no surprises here!!
what i mean is that its a huge world...there is always something to love!

13.If you met me in real, what would be your first expression?
ud see me as a shy person at first

14.Have you ever loved someone who's already taken?
lol yeah! sigh.

15.If I came over to your place, what would you do?
ummm...offer a drink.

16.How do you watch TV?
depends on whats on... usally multi tasking

17.What do you need right now?
another slice of the juicy watermelon thats in my fridge

18.What's your favorite sense?
umm... i cant discriminate!

19.Where would be the the ideal spot to be with someone you love?
up in the mountains... cuddling together in bed under a huge warn blanket..

20.What's closest to your bed?
Accounting books. gaah... need to get back to the books!!



The Bhandari's said...


Anonymous said...

"there is always something to luv"...since when have u started being so diplomatic...lol

GalNextDoor said...

@preeti. hmmmm
@sheriff. haha im not sure!